February 16, 2008

Professional Development Academy

From the Official Maryland Wing Website:

2/13/2008––Maryland Wing Civil Air Patrol officers from across the state traveled to Camp Fretterd to experience an intensive weekend of administrative and leadership training. The Professional Development Academy, dubbed PRODEV, brought together three basic schools in CAP management and leadership at the same time. These elements are: Squadron Leadership School (SLS), Corporate Learning Course (CLC), and Unit Commander’s Course (UCC).

I was unable to attend that course due to other commitments, however after talking with my Squadron Commander (who did have the opportunity to attend). He enjoyed it, and thought that it was a great opportunity. I noticed a slightly more confident air to him last week, as well as another member of my unit who attended. As a result, I think it's worth branding this as a success. Not only was the National Guard involved and supportive, but it drastically increased the expertise of the wing as a whole. This solution worked for us this one time. I would be excited to see what more would do.

Read the whole article here.